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Wooroonooran Challenge Winner!

Ceri Pearce | Birds With Altitude Project Coordinator

The results are in. Our Wooroonooran Challenge competition winner is Delene van Dyk. Congratulations Delene!

The competition was part of BirdLife Northern Queensland’s Birds with Altitude Project, which aims to gather critical information about Wet Tropics endemic birds threatened by climate change.

Delene completed 18 Birdata compatible surveys (20 minute – 2-hectare searches, or 500 metre area searches) in Wooroonooran National Park between 1 September – 31 December 2022. She undertook repeat surveys at several locations, providing us and our partners, the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, with invaluable data.

Delene wins a copy of the newly minted Compact Australian Bird Guide by Davies et al. 2022.

Special thanks to all the competition participants. We now know a little more about Wooroonooran bird life.

Delene with her book prize for the most surveys completed in Wooroonooran National Park between 1 September and 31 December 2022. Book prize donated by BirdLife Northern Queensland.

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